The American Baptist Churches of Connecticut |
July 29, 2019 |
For whom and for what do you pray? The Lord hears our prayers. Email us your prayer concerns at! |
Upcoming Events in ABCCONN |
May 21, 2019 marked an important anniversary for International Ministries (IM). On this date, we celebrated 205 years of God’s amazing provision and faithfulness! For over two centuries, through your generosity and stewardship, God has made it possible for IM and our global servants to respond to God’s call to cross-cultural ministry. When we pause to think about it, we are humbled to be carrying on this rich American Baptist heritage that continues to be so vibrant today. However, it is also daunting to face the increasing costs of preparing and sending the next generation of global servants into cross-cultural mission. As we celebrate the anniversary of more than 200 years of responding to God’s call, we invite you to grow with IM into the next century of global ministry. For opportunities to participate in the next century of IM's ministry, see the IM Website. |
Hello, Friends! We so enjoy knowing what is happening in the lives of our ABCCONN congregations. Email Jaimie about your upcoming events and other announcements at We are now accepting announcements about events that will happen during the summer of 2019. |
ABCCONN is putting together clinics to help churches engage in the difficult work of transformation. These resources are for clergy in our region. Please register through the ABCCONN website or by calling the office at 860-521-5421. The clergy clinics have three meeting components: two virtual meetings and one face-to-face meeting. These meetings will last only 90 minutes to accommodate busy schedules. Since two of the three meetings are virtual, please join them from your home or office. The first virtual meeting will be led by the facilitator. The second will happen over lunch. The third will again involve the facilitator and will be a question and answer session. The cost of each clinic is $8. Watch for the announcement of more Clergy Clinics in the future. |
Community baptist in Manchester will host Vbs Monday, August 18-Friday August 23 from 9-12 am for ages 5-12. Please call 860-643-0537 for more information. |
Camp Wightman - Cathcart Construction UpdateThe Cathcart journey continues. We are happy to announce that we have raised 81% of the funds needed to complete the project (this is materials only - all labor has been donated). See the progress here. How to donate: Please lend your support to this project by sending a check to Camp Wightman, 207 Coal Pit Hill Rd., Griswold, CT, 06351. Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated! Book a Retreat: If you would like to book a retreat at Camp Wightman please call Holly or Dionne at the Camp Office (860) 376-2179. Groups are loving the new upgrades! |