Churches in Partnership, Sharing Resources, Inviting and Equipping Disciples
Our Church Directory
Camp Wightman
Giving & Offerings
News & Information
Reflections from the Executive Minister
Meetings & Events
Commission On Ministry
January 9 @ 9:30 am - February 12 @ 10:30 amCommission On Ministry
February 11 @ 9:30 am - February 12 @ 11:00 amPresidents Day
February 17 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Dr. Riggs' Availability
ABCCONN’s Executive Minister, Dr. Harry Riggs, is visiting and/or preaching at churches on Sunday mornings. Call the office (860-521-5421) for his availability. During the weeks Dr. Riggs works Monday through Friday, from 9am to 5pm except Wednesdays when he works until noon. If you need to meet with him, please email to get on his schedule.
ABHMS Videos

Watch videos that tell the various stories of home missions. How are American Baptist churches ministering in the name of Jesus Christ to the challenges of today?
Rev. Riggs' YouTube Channel
Want to stay connect to Rev. Riggs? Be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel today. LeadCoach is a channel for the pilgrim who wants to find encouragement and support. It is Rev. Riggs goal to present content that will help us to make sense of the world. As your lead-coach, he wants to cheer you on and be a source of where you and your friends are spiritually encouraged.

American Baptist Churches of Connecticut
90a North Main Street
West Hartford, CT 06107
Phone: 860-521-5421
Copyright 2024. ABCCONN. All Rights Reserved